
The membership program is designed as a lease option here at Painted Bar Stables. 

Levels of Memberships Links for Members to
Sign Up for Rides
Requirements & Rules
Membership Test Out Requirements Maps Incident Report Form



About the Program:

When you become a member, you aren't leasing a specific horse - you're gaining access to the entire herd!

Because of the need for our horses in our riding programs, we have limited ability to do half-leases on our horses as we can not guarantee that a specific horse will always be available. However, as we rotate our horses through our lesson and trail programs, there are horses left in the barn that are free for use. The membership program came out of this situation.

Instead of leasing a specific horse, the membership program is a way to "lease" a selection of horses from our stables. This gives our members the opportunity to experience a number of different horses for different uses and occasions, as well as increased flexibility when it comes to access to our horses. 

How it Works:

Members are allowed a specific amount of ride hours per week and may sign up on our Pike13 system for their weekly rides.

Various arena ride times are available throughout the week for you to sign up for.

Trail hacks (beyond the arena availaiblity times) can be booked at times of your convenience, as coordinated through the membership manager.

Community trail rides are available on set schedules. Community trail rides are unguided group rides where members can meet up and ride together in a social way.

Before the start of your ride, staff will inform you of your horse assignment (or option of multiple assignments if multiple horses are available). We also welcome requests.

Links for Members to Sign Up for Weekly Rides

Membership Hour: All Levels

Membership Hour: First String + Pros

Private Arena Hack

Trail Hack

Community Trail Rides

Saturday 10:30am - Walk Only
Saturday 11:30am - Trot Speed

Sunday 1:30pm - Canter Speed

Membership Schedule


Membership Levels

There are different levels of memberships available depending on the skill of the rider and the number of rides desired a week.

Horseback Leasing Memberships

Support memberships are designed for riders who: more novice riders transitioning to independent riding, desire company on their rides, and minors.

The Support Memberships are the perfect way for students to get the opportunity to get in the practice that they need in the arena between lessons with some indepenent practice time, under the distant supervision of staff that are on site.

Support members get access to our "First String" of more novice level horses so that they can be safe and secure while practicing.

As a more novice membership, we require a competency level of strong walk and trotting abilities, but are more flexible on the canter skill set. The only requirement for people not yet at a higher level is that they do not practice new skills in their independent sessions and instead focus on honing the skills that they already possess, reserving the new skills for lesson time so as to not place undue burden to the animal or safety risk.

The First String Membership is designed for those capable of independent riding but needing (or desiring) access to less complicated horses. With the first string membership you get access to the first string of novice level horses to use for your independent riding.

First string members may also use second string horses, upon approval based on their skill level.

Ourpro membership leases are for intermediate to advanced level riders who are capable of riding our horses completely independently without instruction or support. To be at a membership level riders must be able to prove to us that they can ready a horse without assistance, ride with independence, and control a horse at the trot and canter without undue burden to the animal or safety risk.

While similar to a typical lease in that riders get to ride a certain amount, our program differs in that each of our members is assigned a herd of horses instead of just one horse. This allows flexibility in terms of scheduling, as specific horses may also be required for lesson or trail programs. It also allows riders to develop multiple relationships with horses to work on various skill sets and to have spare horses available to them if one horse is lame or unfit to ride at any point.

With the Pro Membership, access is only granted to our second string of more advanced horses and horses that require a bit more sensitive riders when riding unsupervised. These horses also tend to be more available as they are less needed for beginner level trail riders and lesson students. For those who want access to our first string horses who are more novice based, a First String Membership is required.

This is a great program for the independent skilled rider who is not in a position to own a horse as it allows a good amount of freedom. Members usually ride alone, however some do jump in our scheduled trail rides when available to the general public to pull up the rear so that they don't have to go out completely alone. We also always strongly suggest that members take lessons in conjunction with their membership in order to keep tabs on their skill sets and receive advice and support, as well as get help from us for any problem solving needed in specific relationships with their herd.


Requirements and Rules:

  • All members are required to take a Membership Orientation & Test-Out session to join the program
    • During the session members will be evaluated and assigned an appropriate level of membership.
    • If a rider does not pass the test-out, or does not achieve the level of membership desired, they are welcome to take multiple test-out sessions.

  • Three Strike Rule
    • Mistakes happen but if members make mistakes on a repeated basis they will be asked to recertify their membership with another Test Out in order to problem-solve.
    • Mistakes can include:
      - Mistreatment of horses or tack
      - Failure to Properly or Safely Ready a Horse
      - Failure to ride safely or riding in a manner that causes hazard for themselves, their horse, or inconvenience for other riders
      - Neglect to care for a horse after a ride
      - Neglect to properly care for and stow their tack after a ride
      - Failure to clean up after themselves (manure, hoof pickings, equipment, etc...)

  • All members must take at least one (1) group or private lesson per month to maintain their membership.
    • Members recieve a 20% discount on all lessons.

  • Weekly rides cannot be rolled over from week to week and are "use or lose" access.
    • It is the responsibility of the member to use their privileges that they are entitled.
    • If a member no-shows for a ride or fails to give more than 24 hours notice that they will not ride, the member can either pay a $15 no-show fee or one of their rides will be deducted from their plan.
    • No discounts, refunds, rebates or pro-rates will be offered to those members who do not fully use their membership privileges.

  • Memberships are a pre-paid riding opportunity.
    • All memberships are paid by the 1st of the month and last throughout the entirety month.
    • Only the first month can be pro-rated. 

  • Youth age 10 and up are welcome as support members only.
    • Youth must be supervised by an adult during their rides times. Multiple youth may be supervised by one adult.
    • Teens will be permitted in writing to participate without adult supervision on a case by case basis.

  • Members may join appropriate Public Trail Rides
    • Members are allowed to use their weekly rides on appropriate guided trail rides for trail ride clients, understanding that the priority and safety of the non-regular riders will be prioritized and there may be limited independence offered on these rides.
    • Members joining these rides are expected to ride at the rear of the ride

  • Members may join appropriate Community Trail Rides
    • Community trail rides are unguided group rides where members can meet up and ride together in a social way.
      - Staff may or may not join community rides. If they do, they will not be there as guides, but usually riding one of the schooling horses.
    • Participants can either head out all as one group or divide into smaller groups in order to curate ride experience.
    • Support Members cannot sign up for community rides unless a staff member is present on the ride.

  • Members must clean store their tack appropriately after use.
    • Please make sure that before you put away your tack all tack has been wiped down and is clean of dust and/or mud. Tack must be stored properly.
    • Repeated mistakes in storing tack inappropriately may result in the loss of your membership

Membership Test Out Requirements

Members must display the following skills during their test outs to be approved for memberships:

  Support Member First String Member Second String Member
Groom Horse Unassisted
Tack Up Horse Unassisted
Final Pre-Mount Check Minimal Assistance
Mount Unassisted
Walk On Rail on Proper Bend Both Directions
Trot on rail on Proper Bend in Both Direction
Change of Directions on Rail and On-the-Diagonal At Walk At Trot At Trot
Lead out to Trail  
Head out Solo to Trail  
Trot on Trail Solo  
Follow other Horses Maintaining 15' Distance at Walk at Trot at Trot
Dismount and Ground Mount on Trail  
Complete Entire Test on Second String Horse    

More specific information on the test out available in this google document.


Lower Trails

Lower Trails

Click Image to Zoom

Light Switches

Light Switch MapClick Image to Zoom

Barn Yard

Barnyard MapClick Image to Zoom



Incident Report Form

If you are a member and you have an incident with one of the horses please use this link to report the incident and help us keep track of anything that occurs in the barn:

Incidents may include very minor experiences, but are still worth reporting. Examples of Incidents: Horses biting or kicking on trail, getting squashed in the barn, someone falling off, saddle and tack malfunction or repair needed, horses running through the bit or being hard to control, spooking, etc...


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We accept cash, check and credit cards
Gift Certificates are available.

4093 Lake Street (Rte. 79) Burdett, NY 14818
[email protected]